And yet another box Wednesday, Jun 4 2008 

And today i recieved yet another box of stuff.

I opened the box and found this:

There were boots in the box.

And here is a little grey hatlet plus a green cloth scarf.

Then inside a smaller box i found these

And finally in the bottom of the big box there was this big green..

..sleeping bag!

And as a bonus picture i saw this sign when i was out walking last sunday and took a picture of it.

Thats it for now.

Opps forgot to add this Sunday, Jun 1 2008 

Here are a few more pictures of things i have added to my collection lately.

This is one of the Telnyeska shirts i bought. The other one has had the sleeves cut off and is getting patinated. Also in the picture is a little steel bottle for booze.

And here are a few of the things i found yesterday downtown. Its a small metal thing i plan to use for a washing pan. A couple of books are also in the picture. A book about mushrooms and one about hunting. I also got another hat.

Anyway thas it for today. I do have another box of things on its way that should be arriving during next week. *hugs to you all*

Im back at it again Friday, Apr 11 2008 

Ok here i am again and its time to start getting ready for Ingenmansland that is going to take place this summer.

Today i recieved a package with items i ordered.

A big box

It was quite a big box. Weighing in at 11kg according to the packing list.

Here the first items can be seen. On the right there is a big green raincoat and on the left a medic bag full of stuff.

And under the bag and the raincoat this could be seen. Up top is a Swiss soft thing to sleep on. On the right side 2 waterbottles, and in the plastic bag in the middle is a Swedish army messkit.

And this was down at the bottom of the box. A big ol backpack.

Here are some of the smaller items that were packed down in the big box. 2 water bottles, a compass and 5 pieces of bandage.

And here is the content of the medic bag. As you can see it was quite filled with stuff.

And here finally is a picture of what my current look. The black t-shirt  will go in favour of a blue striped Telnyeska.

Thats all from me for the moment.

Small update Sunday, Jun 10 2007 

ok this is just small update of what i am up to right now.

 The shirt and the pants have just been washed with a deturgent containing bleech. I am a a little disappointed though as it didnt lose any color at all. Next thing is going over them with a sandpaper and then finally staining them some.

In other news i purchased a garden chair and a matress that i am going to bring there. Also i have taken on the challange to make the community church since none of the people that said they would play the pastor is going to make it.

Chair Its been sanded on, and stined with soy sauce, ketchup and some spray paint and then finally taped a bit on.

 Might be an update later today.

Tuesday, May 29 2007 

Ok, here is an update with plenty of pictures for you to marvel at.

My pantseseses Fancy arent they?

BDU shirtFashionable and practical! Now you can be both too!

CrowbarCrowbar with rust and tape.

Crowbar2The stained and dirty tape handle.

Crowbar3After sanding off alot of the paint i had an artificial rusting chamber in my bathtub. Its amazing how fast it rusted when soaking in salt water.

Shotgun2Shottie with socks.

 Fooooooood!Yummy food.

prot In the dark future one needs to be safe.

Ok that is my update for today.

Tuesday, May 22 2007 

Oki, new update.

I just recived an email telling me that my clothes was sent out today, that and i am going to go buy the last few items on saturday. So there should be a big proper update soon.


*hugs* to everyone

Lack of update Sunday, May 13 2007 

Well i had big plans of updateing this weekend but it all fell apart when i became ill. Im coughing, running a fever and general yuckiness so instead of an update i give you….


Saturday, May 5 2007 

Ok time to start this project off. And i will start with pictures of the things i have so far.

My lovely shottie

Isnt she cute? She isnt quite done yet. I have patinated her a bit already though.


These are an old pair of workshoes i had laying about.


My meathook of doooom! Handy for moving big lumps of meat around.

Towel and deck of cards

A handy old towl. Useful for almost everything, from hideing from monsters to wipeing your forehead with.

And a deck of cards. These are from Visby.

Cookiecarrying equipment

My old knife from the amry days, a part of taped and scratched sunglasses and my new fancy Chicom SKS chestrig.

Also the 2 grey blankets in the background will be brought and used for sleeping under.

That is it for today.

Take care everyone.

Friday, May 4 2007 

Oki, this is my first test post